Yallah bye! Jawhar feat. Mitsou

Tunisia, Hungary

october 7, 2017 19:00-20:30
Nagyhall, Akvárium Klub

Alex Davidson

The Roma Piaf meets Tunisian bard: expect lyrical intensity to double when legendary Mitsou and Jahwar play together. Two unique voices and magnified stage presence intertwine with such ease you feel like listening to an Arabic ballad and gipsy folk song at once. Legendary voice of Ando Drom fame, Mónika Mitsoura plays with charismatic singer-songriter, rising star of chaâbi Jahwar.


Showcase DAY

5 October // Thursday
Free of Charge


6 October // Friday
4000 HUF


7 October // Saturday
4000 HUF


8 October // Sunday
4000 HUF

Ritmo Pass

6-8 October // 3 days
10 000 HUF

Early bird tickets can be purchased until 01.10.
Discount (Student & Pensioner) tickets can be purchased at the venue during the festival.