Carlos Seixas

Carlos Seixas has been the artistic and production director of FMM Sines Festival since 1999. Its programme has been praised as one of the richest and most daring in the live world music circuit. The festival has special focus on the contemporary world, the movements of migrations, the culture-crossing and the transcontinental encounters. Carlos started his career as producer and programmer of live events in the 80s. He took the lead in programming other Festivals and was artistic director of an Art Center. He is currently associated with Gindungo Artist Development, a music management and booking organisation.


A Budapest Ritmo konferencián a részvétel feltétele az előzetes regisztráció a e-mail címen – az érvényes napijegy vagy bérlet megvásárlása mellett. AZ E-MAILBEN KÉRJÜK JELEZD, HOGY MELYIK NAPO(KO)N, HÁNY FŐVEL SZERETNÉL RÉSZT VENNI! A KONFERENCIA ANGOL NYELVEN ZAJLIK. SZERETETTEL VÁRUNK!