Javier Jimenez Mendoza

Javier Jiménez is CEO of Folelé Producciones: a producer and agency specializing in cultural management and artistic programming, coordinating and executing tasks of Management, Booking, Consulting and advice for cultural cycles and events, development of international touring, festival management and cultural communication. He is also CEO and artistic programmer of International Festival Boreal, a multicultural eco-festival in Tenerife.He acted as organizer and consultant for cultural events and programs of regional, national and international character. He has acted as artistic director for Teatro Leal de La Laguna, Tenerife 2008-2009.

He was a cultural manager and programmer for the department of Culture of the municipality of La Laguna, scheduling and coordinating exhibitions, installations, lectures, music, theater, performance, dance, film, documentaries, series, festivals, cultural events, etc. between 2007 and 2008. He shares his experience and insight regularly at conferences, fairs and cultural events.


A Budapest Ritmo konferencián a részvétel feltétele az előzetes regisztráció a registration@hangveto.hu e-mail címen – az érvényes napijegy vagy bérlet megvásárlása mellett. AZ E-MAILBEN KÉRJÜK JELEZD, HOGY MELYIK NAPO(KO)N, HÁNY FŐVEL SZERETNÉL RÉSZT VENNI! A KONFERENCIA ANGOL NYELVEN ZAJLIK. SZERETETTEL VÁRUNK!