Redi Hasa & Maria Mazzotta

Albania, Italy

05.10. Saturday, Akvárium Klub, Volt Lokál

The duo of Maria Mazzotta (voice) and Redi Hasa (cello) combines melodies, moods and flavours of the Balkans and southern Italy. Their music is at once groundbreaking and true to its heritage; Mazzotta’s elemental voice and Hasa’s ingenious play ceaselessly reinvent their ancient tradition. Loops become sequences, folk tunes feed improvisation; the outcome is playful and passionate. The title of their second album, Novilunio -new moon, expresses their vision: constant artistic renewal. To achieve it, Mazzotta and Hasa reach to the cultures on the opposite shores of the Mediterranean, from which they create a new whole.


Showcase DAY

3 October // Thursday
Free of Charge


4 October // Friday
3000 HUF


5 October // Saturday
3000 HUF


6 October // Sunday
3000 HUF

Ritmo Pass

4-6 October // 3 days
7 500 HUF