2025. április 10-12. | Magyar Zene Háza | Akvárium Klub

Annamária Bohuniczky


Production and Project Lead


Profile picture

Born in Bratislava, Slovakia, Annamaria is an architect and urban planner. She graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague and spent most of her career working on Prague's Urban plan and leading a territorial analysis team.

Outside of her professional life, Annamaria has always been passionate about music. She played the piano since childhood and later became involved in organizing cultural events for the Hungarian minority while living in Prague. She was also part of a Hungarian folk dance group in Prague, which she led and managed for almost a decade.

After relocating to Hungary, Annamaria joined Hangvető's team as a project manager in 2022. She now oversees the Conference and Delegate programme of Budapest Ritmo and contributes to various other projects, including UPBEAT - The European Showcase Platform for World Music and the development of Lajtha House.

Field of work
  • Festival Booking
  • Institution