10-12 April 2025, Budapest | House of Music Hungary | Akvárium Klub

Emir Fulurija

Izvorišta/Vrelo zvuka

Organizer/promotor/radio DJ


Profile picture

Emir Fulurija has been involved in music as a journalist and promoter for over 20 years. He is the curator of the world music program ‘Vrelo zvuka’ at Club Močvara in Zagreb, and he started the program ‘Lisinski srijedom & Izvorišta’ at Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb. He is also the author of the radio show ‘Izvorišta’, which has been broadcast for 12 years and is a member of World Music Charts Europe panel. Previously, he was the editor-in-chief of the webzine ‘Pot Lista’ and hosted programs at Club Orlando in Dubrovnik.

Field of work
  • Promoter
  • Media/Press