The Wacław Felczak Fundation
At the end of 2016 Hungary and Poland decided to pass on the heritage of Polish – Hungarian fiendship to younger generations through setting up cultural institutions. To reach this goal, the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities created a foundation bearing the name of an unjustly forgotten hero of Polish – Hungarian frienship and Central-European cooperation, professor Wacław Felczak.
The Wacław Felczak Foundation aims to support reasearch and pubications on common endevours, cooperation, creative projects and shared experiences of the two nations; as well as promote common joint projects in third countries. Music, as a channel crossing linguistic boundaries, is an especially valued tool to bring about the foundation’s agenda.
Mihály Rosonczy-Kovács
Junior Prima awarded folk musician, historian. Curator of the Wacław Felczak Foundation, the founder and leading violinist of Hungarian FolkEmbassy band, member of Romengo and head of Philidor Institute, the international office of Fonó Budai Zeneház. He works towards enhancing Polish-Hungarian cultural relations, enhancing V4 regional identity, and puts his skills in the service of creating and nurturing a Hungarian national identity Roma culture is a treasured element of based on mutual respect; and which Europe shall be proud of.